About Me

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today's Message :)

God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear. – Acts 2:32-33
Peter proclaimed this message at Pentecost: The cross was God’s wrath poured upon Jesus for our sakes. The resurrection was God’s power that has broken the hold of sin and death once and for all. Now the Holy Spirit is released upon all of God’s people so that Jesus can be exalted in us and the Father can be revealed to us. God is actively involved with His creation. Are we looking to the Holy Spirit today? What do you see and hear?
Wow. For ME??? 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You're still Chasing!

Dear pain, oh it's been a long time
Remember when you were holding me tight
I would stay awake with you all night
shame, I was safe in your arms
You were there when it all fell apart
I would get so lost in your beautiful lies
I let you go, but you're still chasing

Go ahead
You're never gonna take me
You can bend
But you're never gonna break me
I was yours
I'm not yours anymore
Oh, you don't own me

hate, I know you're not far
You would wait at the door of my heart
I was amazed at the passion in your cries
anger, you made me so high
You were faithful to show up on time
Such a flame that was burning in your eyes
I let you go, but you're still chasing

Go ahead
Put a target on my forehead
You can fire
But you've got no bullet
I was yours
But I'm not yours anymore
Oh, you don't own me

You tempted me to look back
But everything that we had together was a lie

Monday, September 27, 2010

I Will Follow You!

Perfect. This is exactly what I'm dealing with right now.


I love finding old Pictures!!!

Cleaning out my closet this weekend, I found so many old pictures!

Awesome friends! Awesome memories!

This is me and Tommy for homecoming 2002  :)

Leah and Me! At Chatsworth COG for a picnic!

Me on a bike with some tats! :) When I worked at the harley store.

Jessica McArthur and me on "Twin Day"

Misti Miller and Me on a bus in New Orleans!!!

Ahhh! My hair!!! Senior Picture! I miss this!

Ahhhhh!!! Fall!!!!!!

((and now that i might just have an amazing guy to do it with me and create some amazing memories, 
i'm even more excited than i think i've ever been!!))

What I want...

If you are looking for someone to be your everything, don't look around, look up! God is the only One who can be everything. By expecting perfection from the flesh, you ask more out of someone else than what you can provide yourself. To be married is to have a partner: someone who is not always there or always on target or always anything! On the other hand, should you evver get in trouble and you don't know who to look to for help, you can count on your partner! It is to have someone to curl up against when the world seems cold and life uncertain. It is having someone who is as concerned as you are when your children are ill. It is having a hand that keeps checking your forehead when you aren't well. To be married is to have somone's shoulder to cry on as they lower your parent's body into the ground. It is wrapping wrinkled knees in warm blankets and giggling without teeth! To the person you marry you are saying, "When my time comes to leave this world and the chill of eternity blows away my birthdays and my future stands still in the night; it's your face I want to kiss good-bye. It is your hand I want to squeeze as I slip from time into eternity. As the curtain closes on all I have attempted to do and be; I want to look into your eyes and see that I mattered. Not what I looked like. Not what I did or how much money I made. Not even how talented I was. I want to look into the teary eyes of someone who loved me and see; I mattered!"

[[Thanks, April, for sharing this!]]

I'm His. :)

To hear Him say, "This one's mine!"
My heart is Spoken For!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Sweet Babies :)

 Erica & Elisa:: My Sweet Babies
 This is me and my princess.
 My other princess. She wanted a Peecha too. :)
 My handsome man, Braden
That's 100%, pure love right there. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

LPL Simulcast – Chicago

LPL Simulcast – Chicago

I attended this on Saturday (9-18-2010).
What a blessing.
As you can see, Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell are so in-tuned to the Holy Spirit.
We learned about the Law of Kindness!
I urge you to go quickly to any bookstore and get one of her books and any of Travis' cds!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

What Makes Me Long for Heaven::

I heard this song last night on J103 on my way home from church.
I couldn't help but cry.
I miss my daddy so much, and my mom too for that matter.
I can't even express the joy in my heart just thinking about the time that they get to hold their little girl again and I get to be engulfed by their love.
I know they are here with me; I carry them where ever I go.
I really just want to leave this world behind and be with them, and my Savior.
That's what I live for.
Making it to live with my Jesus for all of eternity.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Resentment & Revenge

Resentment is when you let your hurt become hate.
Resentment is when you allow what is eating you to eat you up.
Resentment is when you poke, stoke, feed, and fan the fire, stirring the flames and reliving the pain . . .

Revenge is the raging fire . . .
Bitterness is the trap that snares . . .
And mercy is the choice that can set them all free.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Driscoll:  Repenting of his sin of abstinence from alcohol?
“After I entered the ministry as a man of legal drinking age, the drum was again repeatedly beaten for me by well-meaning older pastors.  So I never drank alcohol until I was thirty years of age.  About that time, I was studying the Scriptures for a sermon about Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine, as reported in John’s gospel, a miracle that Jesus performed when he was about my age.  My Bible study convicted me of my sin of abstinence from alcohol.  So in repentance I drank a hard cider over lunch with our worship pastor.”  (Radical Reformission, p.146)
Driscoll is clear on alcohol:  If abstinence is a “sin,” then beer-brewing lessons at church for the men of the church is a logical end result of such thinking.  But in light of Driscoll’s admitted problems with “cussing,” “anger,” “stealing,” etc., is it logical to think that he and the men of his church will be faithful in avoiding drunkenness by always drinking in “moderation?”  Below, Driscoll rightly identifies the problems associated with drinking too much alcohol.  However, because “self control” will always be a serious problem for sinful humanity, why would any responsible Christian pastor/leader entice the people of God toward such destructive, addictive behavior as alcohol, especially with its long, devastating history?  One failure at “moderation,” and any of the below Biblical examples of drunkenness (with the right circumstances) can become an unwanted personal reality.    
“Biblical Problems Caused by Drunkenness
·   Incest (Gen. 19:32-35)
·   Violence (Prov. 4:17)
·   Adultery (Rev. 17:2)
·   Mockery and brawling (Prov. 20:1)
·   Poverty (Prov. 21:17)
·   Late night and early morning drinking (Isa. 5:11-12)
·   Hallucinations (Isa. 28:7)
·   Legendary antics (Isa. 5:22)
·   Murder (2 Sam. 11:13-15)
·   Gluttony and poverty (Prov. 23:20-21)
·   Vomiting (Jer. 25:27; 48:26; Isa. 19:14)
·   Staggering (Jer. 25:27; Ps. 107:27; Job 12:25)
·   Madness (Jer. 51:7)
·   Loudness combined with laughter and then prolonged sleep (Jer. 51:39)
·   Nakedness (Hab. 2:15; Lam. 4:21)
·   Sloth (Joel 1:5)
·   Escapism (Hos. 4:11)
·   Depression (Luke 24:34)
·   Staying up to party all night (1 Thess. 5:7)” 
(Radical Reformission, p.148.  Reprinted as it appeared.).